Saturday 14 May 2011


Today is the day we hit the air . Woke to a text from Wendy who is joining us in our travels that she was boarding her flight and immediately a wave of emotions hit. Tears welled in the eyes as we remembered  our 3 month goodbyes to family and  freinds and the heart started beating with excitement for what we will do, see and experience in the 3 months ahead.

I guess the trip really began yesterday when we left home and flew from Taree to Sydney where we spent the night so we would not be rushed to meet our deadline of 9.30am check in although will not be seem real until we head out over that big stretch of blue ocean and into the clouds.

A beautiful morning in Sydney, sun is shining and no wind which should make for a great take off.  Hope we will get the added benefit of a window seat so we can view the sights of the city. We will have a four and a half  hour stop over at Auckland and with the time difference we will be in LA  before we have even left ...  

Next update will be from the other side of the world.....

waiting waiting waiting ....

Checking in  we are on our way...

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